Accidents & Incidents
In addition to the duties imposed on employers by The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (2013) RIDDOR, it is advisable to investigate all accidents/incidents thoroughly using the appropriate techniques to establish liability where criminal or civil proceedings may subsequently be brought against the employer.
Our consultants are fully trained in accident investigation techniques to provide the following service:
Some of what we offer
- Visit the scene and take photographs (and/or video footage) and document facts and evidence regarding the accident, dangerous occurrence or disease.
- Interview the witnesses and record names, addresses and telephone numbers so that a statement can be obtained from them at a later date.
- Inform the appropriate enforcing authorities of the accident using the correct protocol depending on the nature of the incident.
- Produce a full report giving recommendations.
- Ensure the Company Accident Form BI 510 is completed for every accident/illness.
Where the company has been served with an HSE improvement or prohibition notice for non-compliance issues or, where safe systems of work have not been adhered to, it is advisable to carry out an independent investigation in order to recommend control measures for implementation to resolve the situation.
For more information e-mail us at:
Accident / Incident Reporting
The main purpose of this Regulation is to provide enforcing authorities with information on specific injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences arising from work activities covered by the Health & Safety at Work Act.
When reporting injuries and dangerous occurrences, the approved Form must be used (F2508).
Our consultants are fully trained to give advice on what constitutes a “reportable” accident or injury as set out under RIDDOR.
Once it has been established that the accident / incident is reportable the consultant can:
- Assist in the completion of the F2508, giving advice on the specific content requirements, where the accident / incident details have been previously taken.
- Complete the F2508 on behalf of the company using the details supplied by the accident / incident investigator.
- Complete the F2508 on behalf of the company based on our own independent investigation.
It is always recommended that an independent investigation be carried out immediately following any accident / incident.
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23 Springfield Road
North Chingford
E4 7DJ