CDM Department
Our aim is to assist our Clients with professional experienced back-up to comply with these Regulations. We have a CDM Department to help those involved in construction activities and we are able to act on behalf of the following:
Clients and their Architects and Surveying Practices etc.
Carrying out a variety of roles for our diverse range of clients
Richardson-Hill can carry out the full function of a CDM Co-ordinator for the contract, including the production of the pre-information file. We are able to support the Client after the Construction Phase if required by compiling the Health and Safety File for hand over to the client. Richardson-Hill holds both CHAS and Constructionline accreditations for CDM Coordination and consulting.
CDM Client Adviser. Clients are now responsible for many of the duties that were previously carried out by a CDM coordinator. These duties include notifying the HSE, ensuring suitable management arrangements are in place and provision of all relevant information prior to construction.
This may include existing information about the site and any surveys carried out, including asbestos. It also includes existing services and any other information about the site that will assist the other duty holders to plan, design and manage their works.
Our team of CDM consultants will provide you with the expert assistance you need to meet your legal obligations fully under the new regulations. We will guide you through each requirement and make sure you are happy that decisions made and arrangements put in place satisfy your legal obligations, safeguarding you and your organisation from the risk of prosecution. We will help identify information to be obtained through survey or investigation, we will review existing information and comment on its sufficiency.
We will advise you on management arrangements to be put in place and help you identify other duty holders which you will need to appoint such as the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor. Throughout, we will monitor the other duty holders, through liaison with the Principal Designer and a programme of active site inspections to ensure the Principal Contractor is maintaining consistent compliant standards.
Principal Designers
The Principal Designer (PD) has an important role in coordinating health and safety during the pre-construction design phase of a project. PDs are appointed by the client to undertake this coordination role. Although the PD has to be a designer, the specific role involves the coordination of a design and a design team, specifically focusing on health and safety and design risk management. The Health and Safety File must also be put in place by the PD in the early stages of a project
Our support services take the strain off the PD, allowing them to concentrate on what they know best – design – secure in the knowledge that our services guarantee that their obligations are met. Although we would not hold the duty, we would implement a design risk strategy and carry out all the liaison and coordination with the wider design team. We do this by integrating fully with the design team and working alongside all the designers to ensure they are adequately considering risks, potential issues and hazards that may impact on the construction, use and maintenance of the scheme.
We also capture evidence of the process being run through making it simple to demonstrate to the client that obligations are being met. We also take control of the format and contents of the health and safety file and will develop and collate information for inclusion throughout the PD’s appointment.
Principal Contractors
Assisting in the production of the Construction Phase Plan and providing a full Consultancy role to ensure health and safety standards are complied with.
Contractors have various obligations placed on them under the CDM 2015 regulations in terms of communication, coordination and cooperation with other duty holders. They also have a duty to safeguard their workforce and anyone else who may be affected by their works.
We provide contractors with a consultancy package ranging from a fully outsourced Health and Safety function of the business, to ad hoc advice, review, audit and support.
Contractors & Sub-Contractors
Creating a professional link between contractors
Assisting in the production of developing the Construction Phase Plan, i.e., Risk Assessments, Safe Method of Work Statements, Safety Inspections, providing/producing information for Health and Safety file etc.
CDM Estimate
No contract percentage pricing just fairness
We produce a simple to understand CDM Estimate that clearly shows the essential requirements to comply with CDM Regulations, alongside our fee which enables our clients to work within a budget. We do not charge based on the project value, Our fees are solely based on the amount of time we expect to perform the duties under the CDM Regulations.

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23 Springfield Road
North Chingford
E4 7DJ