Coronavirus / COVID-19 Support
These are exceptional circumstances for businesses globally. In order to follow the UK Government recommendations and return to work then business owners must ensure that their workplaces are adapted and procedures are in place to allow a safe return to work. This is a very daunting prospect for business owners, but we can help you, as we have with our clients throughout the pandemic.
Richardson-Hill have been active throughout the pandemic providing support to our clients. We have created procedural documents and other services for sites and office environments to give employers guidance on how to protect their employees from COVID-19.
Throughout the pandemic we have been on top of the guidance issued by Public Health England (PHE) and government requirements. These have been ever changing, as necessary with a phased pandemic plan, but we have kept up with the pace of change and continue to provide the highest possible level of support to our clients.
The HSE is the relevant enforcing authority for PHE guidelines. If a work place is not consistently implementing the measures set out by PHE, it may be subject to enforcement action.
Businesses operating during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic need to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimising the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from work.
The health and safety requirements of any business activity must not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely, it should not take place.

COVID-19 Related Services
Preparing the workplace for Returning to Work Procedures
This document will give guidance to the site management teams on what needs to be set up and in place on site prior to re-opening the project.
Site Operational Procedures Plan
This document will detail the arrangements that the company have put in place on site to protect persons working on / visiting the site. In addition, the document will outline the requirements of all employees and contractors and what will be required of them to reduce the risk of COVID-19 on the site. This document will be issued to employees and sub-contractors.
Office Operational Procedures Plan
This document will detail the arrangements that the company have put in place in office premises to protect employees returning to work. In addition, the document will outline the requirements of all employees and what will be required of them to reduce the risk of COVID-19 on the site. This document will be issued to .
Permit to Work within 2 meters
The Construction Leadership Council SOP Version 3 Document advises that addition authorization will be required for persons to work within 2 meters. We have been working on a permit to control this arrangement
Employee Travel Assessment
This operative assessment looks will need to be completed by every operative planning to return to work. This assesses their potential exposure to COVID-19 on public transport and whether their work is essential.
Carrying out monitoring of the workplace is essential to ensure that the procedures continue to be adhered to. We have been inspecting sites and other workplaces throughout the pandemic. We carry out health and safety inspections and issue a report with findings and improvements to be made.
Management Zoom meetings
We have been engaging with management on a continual basis using the Zoom platform. This has allowed us to ensure that all management have the same understanding of what the company wants to achieve when implementing procedures. It is also a create method of communication and lets management air any concerns they may have, and this can then be discussed openly and solutions to problems can be resolved via collaborative efforts.
COVID-19 Training
We can deliver training on procedures for offices and sites, awareness or bespoke issues that you may want your employees trained on. This can be delivered at your location. (Numbers will be reduced due to social distancing requirements etc) or we can deliver training using the Zoom platform.
Bespoke Services
Above are some of the services that have been developed to date. However should you require something different then please get in contact with us. We are well placed to deal with any enquiry you may have.

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23 Springfield Road
North Chingford
E4 7DJ